Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sister of the Week: Faye Cheng

This week's Sister of the Week is Faye Cheng. She's Vice Pres of the Undergraduate Assembly, so she's kind of a big deal. She's co-chair of Seniors for the Penn Fund, Business Conference Marketing Chair in Wharton Women, a member of the Asian Pacific American Leadership Initiative, and she's also in the Oracle Senior Honor Society. In her spare time, she's a Wharton senior from Chicago with a triple concentration in Operations and Information Management/Marketing, Finance, and Management, and she has a Spanish minor to top it all off. In SK, she has been Vice President of Scholarship and Historian, and she also lived in the Big Triple (TBT) in the house her sophomore year! We asked Faye a few questions about her busy, busy life:

Blackberry or iPhone? 
I couldn't decide between a Blackberry or iPhone, so I chose a Droid instead.

Just how many headbands do you own? 
I have thirteen headbands on campus right now, but I had to leave the other half at home because they didn't fit in my suitcase .....

Who's your style icon?
Audrey Hepburn!  Classic and chic!

We hear you write a fashion blog. Could you tell us about that?
I started a fashion blog this summer to document cute business casual outfits people can wear to the office. Too often people think that business attire means "stuffy" or boring - and while this oftentimes does ring true, it doesn't have to!  As long as everything you wear is appropriate, you have so much artistic license over what you can wear in the office, and I wanted to show that in my blog.  I detailed what I wore to my summer internship every day and tried to mix business basics with fun accessories like scarves or belts.  This project also forced me to keep my everyday outfits interesting, which can be hard when you have to dress yourself every morning at 6 AM!

Tell us a funny UA story.
I won't say anything more than that it involved a boy named Tyler, two FroGro shopping carts, thirteen jugs of water, and Spruce Street. 

What would you say makes you a Sigma Kappa? 
I think my love for Sigma Kappa is best expressed in limerick form .... here goes:

One January, I became an SK
It was a most cold, wintry day
But the love produced
by 3928 Spruce
continues to warm me always.

Faye and her little, Lakshmi, with Nicole and Sarah

Faye, Nicole, and Ariel at a Phillies game!

Alex, Stacey, Ariel, and Faye during fling.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lights, Camera, Kappa!

This Sunday, Kappa was all about the glamour as the girls of SK came out for the Sisterhood Emmy Viewing Party! Gathering together at the Chapter House, sophomores to seniors cozied up on the couches to fit in some quality Kappa time during their super busy first few weeks of class! The sisters indulged their sweet toothes, enjoying (homemade!) Red Carpet Red Velvet cupcakes and an ice cream sundae bar! As the girls debated their favorite looks on the Red Carpet, they filled out Emmy Winner Ballots, predicting who would be the evening’s lucky winners! There were lots of laughs and cheers as the various winners were announced, and at the end of the evening our own winner was Sarah Rubin, predicting the most correct Emmy winners! Her prize was Kate Spade pearls, (the Sigma Kappa gem!), appropriate for the Red Carpet or Chapter! For Kappa girls, nothing ends the week better than a Sisterhood Sunday!

The ballot and the prize for the best Emmy predictions-- pearl earrings from Kate Spade!

Sarah Rubin (right, with Carissa) won the prize.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Congrats to SK Marathon Runners!

This past Sunday, 9/18, SK sisters Julianne Parker, Julianne Mele, Megan Soisson, and Jaclyn Chen participated in the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. The girls ran a total of 13.1 miles through downtown Philadelphia and out towards the suburbs along the Schuylkill River.

Senior Julianne Parker recounts her experience:
It was my first half marathon, and I really enjoyed it.  Originally I did it to say I finished one, but around mile four I started to have a lot of fun.  Running with 20,000 other people and thousands of fans was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Crossing the finish line was definitely the highlight of the day. The last tenth of a mile was a steep incline, but it made crossing the finish line that much sweeter. I look forward to doing it again next year.
Jaclyn and Julianne (Parker) at the starting line.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sister of the Week: Dominika Franciszkowicz

This week’s Sister of the Week is Dominika Franciszkowicz, a College senior in Sigma Kappa. Hailing from the Windy City of Chicago, Illinois, she has a knack for fencing (she is a member of the Varsity Fencing team) as well as a love for fashion, psychology, and all things SK.  She has modeled for dzine2show and Penn’s student run fashion magazine, The WALK, making an appearance on the Fall 2010 cover. Dominika is currently the SK co-social chair and enjoys every minute of planning fun events for the sorority to enjoy. She is looking forward to graduating at the end of this school year, but will greatly miss all of the wonderful individuals she has met through SK. Ask her about her cats…she is borderline obsessed.

Dom and her SK sister Megan.

Dom and one of her littles, Limor!

Dom and her lineage: from left, Arielle, Limor, Dom, Allison, and Michelle.

SKore a free vacation at Sigma Kappa Quizzo this Thursday!

This year's event will take place in Houston's Hall of Flags this Thursday at 8 p.m.

What’s better than traveling to a Carribean island with your nine best friends? Traveling there for free! 

One team of 10 will win a free spring break trip by flexing their trivial knowledge at the third annual Sigma Kappa Quizzo, which will take place this Thursday, and the runners up will also receive some awesome prizes!

Just like quizzo at your favorite bar, our competition will test your knowledge… but the prizes are bigger and all proceeds will support Alzheimer’s research. In the past two years, we’ve raised a total of over $10,000 for this worthy cause. Last year, 24 teams competed, representing a variety of student groups from Mock Trial to Tau Epsilon Pi fraternity.

There won’t be a dull moment, with an opening performance by one of Penn’s favorite a capella groups, Off the Beat, and the Mask and Wig Band will play throughout the night!

SK sisters and friends (21+) will celebrate the successful event afterward at City Tap House with drinks specials for all—making us all winners!

Sign up for your chance at a free spring break trip provided by Xtreme Trips in the next two days! Look out for us on Locust Walk this week or email $10 per person, 10 people per team. The event will take place Thursday, September 22, from 8-10 p.m. in the Houston Hall of Flags.

Will you SKore?

Last year, 24 teams put their knowledge to the the test to win the grand prize, which included a week's stay at a Florida beach house!

In the past 2 years, Penn's SK chapter has raised over $10,000 toward the Ultra-Violet campaign, which supports Alzheimer's research.

Fall Recruitment!

Hi! My name is Megan Soisson and I am Sigma Kappa’s Continuing Membership Chair. What does this mean, you ask? Essentially, I run the informal recruitment event, otherwise known as Fall Rush.

I wanted to take some time to introduce myself and my event, especially to all of the un-affiliated non-freshmen women here at Penn. Fall Rush is an incredible opportunity to join a sorority without going through all of the formalities (and winter weather!) of Spring Recruitment in the spring. Not every sorority holds fall recruitment events, but SK prides itself on finding amazing sisters each fall. The great thing about informal recruitment is that you can visit as many participating sororities as you please-- and we really hope you come see us!

If you are interested in learning more about our events this fall — the first of which will take place this coming Saturday — please email me Even if you’re not sure about going through rush, I urge you to email me with any questions or concerns you may have. The events are really fun and informal; you’ll have an opportunity to chat with a diverse group of SK girls. Hope to hear from you soon!

Sigma Kappa Love,
Megan Soisson

Sister of the Week Dominika was a fall rush!

Last year's fall additions to SK out to dinner!

My big Jennifer and my big big Sara (who was a fall rush!)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ride the Kappa Wave! Sisterhood Retreat Fall '11

This Sunday the sisters of Sigma Kappa hit the beach to get Sun Kissed at the semi-annual Sisterhood Retreat! Although it was not a sunny Sunday, the Sigma Kappa girls did not let a little rain dampen their spirits! After brunch at the SK Chapter House (complete with virgin mimosas!), the Kappa girls traveled up to Long Branch, NJ to get the Sisterhood Retreat underway!

The Sisterhood Retreat was filled with non-stop games and activities all intended to bring the sisters closer together, provide the girls with opportunities to get to know one another better, and catch up after a summer apart! The Retreat kicked-off with a silly and splashy relay race that involved retrieving water from the ocean as quickly as possible! Next, the SK sisters competed in a Beach Photo Scavenger Hunt, in which the girls were given a list of 10 photos to take on the beach, including forming a human pyramid and depicting the cast of a TV show of the group’s choice! The Kappa sisters then called upon their childhood experiences in the Sandcastle Making Competition, producing beautiful and creative sand creations! With the help of our guest judges, our two amazing advisors Meghan and Kathy, winners were named in the categories of Most Creative, Most “Sigma Kappa,” and Best Architectural Sand Castle, but truly every sand castle was a winner!

Sand castle competition!

SKs doing the photo challenge

Later in the day, the girls of SK participated in a quieter activity, in which the sisters formed a circle in the sand, and with eyes closed different girls were chosen to stand within the circle and tap girls who embodied different descriptions read aloud. Such statements ranged from “You live out our ritual” and “I love the positive energy you bring to our sorority” to “You always look cute walking around campus” and “You are one of my best friends.” Personally, this activity was my favorite moment of the Retreat! Then was the event the girls had been looking forward to all day: the Battle of the Lineages! The two-part competition began with a Newlywed-style trivia game, and ended in an impressively intense water balloon toss! The winning lineage, the Rebel Bunnies, walked away with a $100 gift certificate to Lolita, perfect for their next lineage dinner!

Sisters in the Compliment Circle

Lineage competition!

Wearing the amazing t-shirts given out at the retreat!

The Retreat had to end eventually, and after the girls wrote heartfelt SK Messages in a Bottle to two randomly assigned sisters, they crossed their fingers as the winners of three raffle prizes were drawn! Raffle tickets had been given away throughout the day to the winners of the various activities, as well as for participation and positive SK spirit, and up for grabs were prizes including a SK Longchamp bag, a SK Kate Spade make-up bag and manicure-pedicure gift card, and a SK yoga mat and Lulu Lemon gift card. The lucky Kappas, respectively, were Jessica Mangin, Sophie Kim and Dee Dee Tardif! Since every Sigma Kappa sister was an amazing influence on the day, all the girls received Retreat t-shirts, and flashed their brilliant SK smiles for one last group photo on the beach! A favorite quote of mine is whoever thought sunshine was happiness has never danced in the rain. This past Sunday, whoever thought sunshine was happiness has never been at a Sigma Kappa Sisterhood Retreat! The day was filled with smiles, laughter, love and an inspiring Kappa spirit, and reminded me yet again why I absolutely adore my sorority!

Sigma Kappa Love,

Eileen, Sisterhood Chair
Katey, Assistant Sisterhood Chair

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sister of the Week: Nanette Nunu

This week’s Sister of the Week is Nanette Nunu, a Wharton sophomore in SK. Originally from Silver Spring, Maryland, she has a broad range of interests, and she maintains a great balance between her Marketing coursework, her commitment to SK, her work with the SPEC Special Events Committee, and her leadership position in her dance group, Hype. Nanette was recently elected to the position of co-public relations chair in Hype, which is a multicultural fusion dance group, performing various styles of dance including but not limited to, bhangra, hip hop, modern, and jazz that also allows each member to share their unique styles with the group. She lives in the SK house with her sisters and best friends, and is thrilled to be able to balance her love of Sigma Kappa with the family she has also found with her teammates on Hype. She’s looking forward to working harder and playing harder at Penn this year, and she can’t wait for the year to get underway. Oh, and she loves Arizona Green tea.

Nunu with a group of Sigma Kappa's before formal!

Nunu with her Lineage!

Nunu's promo shot for Hype's fall tryouts.

With Jessica during Fling!

Welcome back!

Welcome back to campus! We hope everyone had a great NSO-- Sigma Kappa definitely did. Now that classes are starting, we're gearing up for Sigma Kappa Quizzo, our big annual event to raise money for Alzheimer's research. Keep checking the blog for updates, and check out the SK Quizzo page on Facebook for more information.

Sigma Kappa Love!

Christina, Kayla, and Clara catching up during NSO!

Margo, Sarah, and Sophia spreading Sigma Kappa Love during their end of the summer trip to Guatemala with Engineers Without Borders!

Roomies reunited! Megan, Avery, Kate, and Maggie during NSO.

Mijana and Becca catching up.