Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sister of the Week: Faye Cheng

This week's Sister of the Week is Faye Cheng. She's Vice Pres of the Undergraduate Assembly, so she's kind of a big deal. She's co-chair of Seniors for the Penn Fund, Business Conference Marketing Chair in Wharton Women, a member of the Asian Pacific American Leadership Initiative, and she's also in the Oracle Senior Honor Society. In her spare time, she's a Wharton senior from Chicago with a triple concentration in Operations and Information Management/Marketing, Finance, and Management, and she has a Spanish minor to top it all off. In SK, she has been Vice President of Scholarship and Historian, and she also lived in the Big Triple (TBT) in the house her sophomore year! We asked Faye a few questions about her busy, busy life:

Blackberry or iPhone? 
I couldn't decide between a Blackberry or iPhone, so I chose a Droid instead.

Just how many headbands do you own? 
I have thirteen headbands on campus right now, but I had to leave the other half at home because they didn't fit in my suitcase .....

Who's your style icon?
Audrey Hepburn!  Classic and chic!

We hear you write a fashion blog. Could you tell us about that?
I started a fashion blog this summer to document cute business casual outfits people can wear to the office. Too often people think that business attire means "stuffy" or boring - and while this oftentimes does ring true, it doesn't have to!  As long as everything you wear is appropriate, you have so much artistic license over what you can wear in the office, and I wanted to show that in my blog.  I detailed what I wore to my summer internship every day and tried to mix business basics with fun accessories like scarves or belts.  This project also forced me to keep my everyday outfits interesting, which can be hard when you have to dress yourself every morning at 6 AM!

Tell us a funny UA story.
I won't say anything more than that it involved a boy named Tyler, two FroGro shopping carts, thirteen jugs of water, and Spruce Street. 

What would you say makes you a Sigma Kappa? 
I think my love for Sigma Kappa is best expressed in limerick form .... here goes:

One January, I became an SK
It was a most cold, wintry day
But the love produced
by 3928 Spruce
continues to warm me always.

Faye and her little, Lakshmi, with Nicole and Sarah

Faye, Nicole, and Ariel at a Phillies game!

Alex, Stacey, Ariel, and Faye during fling.


  1. Faye Cheng, You are amazing!! I dont know what I would do without you :)
    Love you!

  2. Faye is THE BEST. Love this post, and love the pictures =) =)

  3. Thaaaat's my big. :)

    Keep rocking the headbands.

