Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lights, Camera, Kappa!

This Sunday, Kappa was all about the glamour as the girls of SK came out for the Sisterhood Emmy Viewing Party! Gathering together at the Chapter House, sophomores to seniors cozied up on the couches to fit in some quality Kappa time during their super busy first few weeks of class! The sisters indulged their sweet toothes, enjoying (homemade!) Red Carpet Red Velvet cupcakes and an ice cream sundae bar! As the girls debated their favorite looks on the Red Carpet, they filled out Emmy Winner Ballots, predicting who would be the evening’s lucky winners! There were lots of laughs and cheers as the various winners were announced, and at the end of the evening our own winner was Sarah Rubin, predicting the most correct Emmy winners! Her prize was Kate Spade pearls, (the Sigma Kappa gem!), appropriate for the Red Carpet or Chapter! For Kappa girls, nothing ends the week better than a Sisterhood Sunday!

The ballot and the prize for the best Emmy predictions-- pearl earrings from Kate Spade!

Sarah Rubin (right, with Carissa) won the prize.


  1. Such an amazing event! Great planning, Katey and Eileen!!! I always look forward to any event you two plan!

